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本會簡介 Our Story

After various preparations, we praise God for providing the West End State School hall as our Sunday Service meeting venue. Our first Sunday Service will take place on 17 March 2019. The name of our church is Brisbane Living Water Alliance Church, meaning every brother and sister of this church is to live out an abundant life that is like living water, in order to witness for Christ and to fulfil the Great Commission. West End is a multi-cultural community. Apart from our Cantonese ministry, we pray that we will eventually establish Mandarin and English ministries, as well as ministries for other cultural groups, and become a multi-cultural church.

經過一番籌備後,感謝神為我們預備了West End State School 作為崇拜聚會的地方。第一次的粵語主日崇拜安排在2019年3月17日舉行,教會名為『布里斯本活泉宣道會』,意思是每位活泉宣道會的弟兄姊妹都活出活水江河般的豐盛生命,來見證基督,完成大使命。West End是多元文化的社區,因此除了粵語事工外,我們更盼望日後能開展華語事工與英語事工,甚至向不同族群的人士宣教,成為多元文化的社區教會。

It is the aim of the Christian and Missionary Alliance to fulfil the Great Commission through church planting, to bring the gospel to different people groups around the world. In 2018, after a series of discussions and prayers, God has led the brothers and sisters of Brisbane Chinese Alliance Church to see the need for the gospel around central Brisbane, and confirmed the calling for us to plant a new church in West End. There has been a rapid increase in population in the inner-city area in recent years, especially young families and overseas students. We feel that this is a gospel field that God has given us and that He has committed to us the message of reconciliation to the different people groups in this area.

宣道會的宗旨是透過植堂裝備門徒來完成大使命,叫全世界不同的民族都聽到福音。在2018年經過一輪探討與祈禱後,神讓布里斯本華人宣道會的弟兄姊妹看到布里斯本市中心地區的福音需要,確認神對教會到West End 植堂的呼召。近年內城區人口急速增長,很多年輕家庭搬進該地區,該區更是海外留學生集中聚居之地。我們認為這是神給我們的福音禾場,神把勸這地區不同族群與祂和好的職責托付了我們。

All Rights Reserved © 2019 Brisbane Living Water Alliance Church.

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